With these words, Aristotle described the characteristic behavior of the crane. In Greek mythology, cranes were seen as the symbol of
wisdom and watchfulness. In the Roman Empire they were associated with sensible and smart behavior, perseverance and diligence in their
In China, the crane symbolically represents long life, happiness, wisdom and a good relationship between father and
son. The crane has a graceful, powerful, calm, dynamic appearance; its demeanor radiates placidity and lightness.
We, the team of CFA | Berlin, have chosen the crane as a symbol for our work. As a migratory bird, the crane stands for the potential that we can activate together when you are traveling from one end of the world to the other. Metaphorically, the crane describes our mindset of reacting to the challenges of life with wisdom, reason, and diligence, encountering your concerns with calmness, ease and intellect.